What follows is a book study of the book: ” The Archimedes Codex” BY Reviel Netz and William Noel published in 2007. You may get a copy here: Amazon Link
Back Story: In 2008, after three years of teaching, I found this book at the local library and thoroughly enjoyed. Now, 15 years later I have decided to reread the book and write about it.
The premise is that this book is a true story of the rediscovery of the third Codex of archimedes. Most of what we know of Archimedes work appears in three books. Codex A, B, and C. The firs two have mostly survived, but the third book disappeared in there Middle Ages when the pages were scraped of and made into a prayer book. it was discovered in the early 20th century and briefly studied, but much of its contents were not revealed and it disappeared for there remainder of the 20th century and was rediscovered in its palimpsest form in 1998. It sold at a Christies Auction for two million dollars and was eventually turned over to Walters Art Museum in Baltimore Maryland for Conservation and possible restoration. This book is the story of the modern forensics used to rediscover the work of Archimedes and also give a short exploration of Archimedes and his works in general.
I will start with some discussion of the book and describe some of the more interesting proofs and mathematics contained