This is a class that will show teachers how to blend the five SEL competencies into their math lessons to improve achievement, increase motivation and engagement. An excellent one day PD for all math teachers!!
This course covers the fundamentals of teaching mathematics That all teachers must understand. Such as:
If every teacher has this training, your district math program will be propelled forward. It is best as a two-day workshop.
Before any effective teaching can begin, teachers and students must develop at least a moderate growth mindset and begin a lifelong process of improving their growth mindset. This one-day class is based on “Mindset” by Carol Dweck, “Mathematical Mindsets” by Jo Boaler, “The Growth Mindset Coach” by Annie Brock and Heather Hundley.
This course covers the fundamentals of teaching mathematics in the form of the Eight Effective Practices from “Principles to Actions”.
One of the more challenging and important of the Eight Effective Practices is the concept of Productive Struggle. This course will cover this concept in detail and help teachers learn how to create a healthy environment for Productive Struggle.
Participants will learn and practice effective activities for the math classroom that are in keeping with the eight effective math teaching practices from Principles to Actions. Participants will also learn how to use specific math manipulatives such as: Algebra Tiles, Fractions Tiles, Fraction Circles, Number Lines, Centimeter Cubes, Protractors, Shape Tiles, Patty Paper, etc.
This two-day course is designed to show education leaders how to develop a Continual Improvement process for their Math Program.
This is a one-day workshop on how to use White Boards in a project-based classroom.
This class introduces technology that can be used in the classroom and how to make it effective. I am being trained to be a Texas Instruments trainer and will demonstrate effective uses of TI technology. I also demonstrate: Desmos, Three-Act Tasks and others.
These are done at a reduced fee. I visit classrooms and run an activity with a teacher and their students. If the school has time, I like to do a presentation for the faculty on modern math methods and activities.