Deming Management Method for Education

In 1947, General Douglas MacArthur recruited W. Edwards Deming to go to Japan and help restore industry after World War II.  He trained hundreds of Industry leaders in Japan on how to improve quality through statistics.  By the 1970’s, Japanese quality was widely recognized as superior to American quality and American industry struggled to compete.  In 1980, Deming became known to American Industry due to a documentary on Japanese Quality.  He began working with American companies beginning with Ford and Others.  American quality and sales improved wherever he went.

In the 1990’s, I was trained in the Deming Methods and Philosophies and went on to practice these methods as a manager in the newspaper industry until leaving to become a math teacher in 2004.

Mr Deming emphasized that at least 94% of the problems in production were the fault of management and not the workers.  He also insisted that his methods worked in any workplace.  “The only difference between manufacturing and service industries is that service industries don’t know they have a product.”  We will define our product, determine how to measure it effectively and begin a continual improvement process to build a quality mathematics program at your school that will grow and improve for as long as the 14 points are followed.

This is a two-day seminar with follow up throughout the next year as the transition happens.

This course is intended for school leadership and teachers. It will mostly be used for schools where I am contracted to help build a long term program but it could be offered as a two-day stand-alone workshop upon request, but we should have a conversation about your long term goals to make sure it will fit your needs.

The course covers the fundamentals of building a Continual Improvement Process including:

  1. The Red Bead Experiment
  2. Developing a Common Aim
  3. The Deming System of Profound Knowledge
  4. Finding your Key Measures
  5. The 14 points of Deming Quality Management
  6. The Seven Deadly Sins
  7. How to Analyze Data with Control Charts
  8. Building your teams
  9. The Continual Improvement Process

If you are Interested or have Questions, please fill out this form and I will contact you.