My vision is to reach out to as many teachers as possible in my career to bring them the best practices of math teaching. With that in mind, if I have time, I would rather spend that time in schools than at home. So I do classroom visits at a lower rate as my time allows.
On a classroom visit, I work with a teacher in advance to determine what math concept is being taught and then choose an appropriate rich task. Then I visit the school and run this activity with the teacher in order to demonstrate the power of modeling and rich tasks and how to use them. In a classroom visit day, I anticipate that I could run activities in three or four classrooms.
As my professional development schedule begins to fill, I will do classroom visits in the State of Indiana at half my rate. The reason I must limit it to Indiana Schools, is that my home is Indianapolis, Indiana and travel expenses will be low. In the future, I will tour through other parts of the country doing Professional Development classes and fill in my off days with classroom visits.